
- 大连海事大学世界经济研究所所长
- 工商管理系 博士/教授
- 大连海事大学世界经济研究所所长
- 办公电话:0411-8472-8336
- Email:bl403881@hotmail.com
- 在国际、国内重要刊物上发表55篇国际论文,出版专著4部,省部级课题12个。
- 交通部系统《交通事业单位财务管理与会计核算办法》法规财务管理部分的起草人、《2006中国港口综合竞争力指数排行榜》、《2006中国港航上市公司绩效评价排行榜》、《2006中国港口风云人物》课题主持人。主讲《财务管理》。《财务管理》课程获2006年度大连海事大学精品课奖。获《2006年度大连海事大学泛洋奖》。获《2004年辽宁省科技先进科技工作者》称号。
- 任辽宁省政府经济改革研究会常务理事,辽宁省市场经济学会副会长。中国交通运输协会特邀研究员、新华社特邀研究员。曾多次出席欧洲、美国及东南亚地区的国际港航研讨会并做主题发言。
- 1987年出任辽宁省五金矿产进口公司总经理。
- 1992年出任美国钢铁公司采购公司总裁。
- 1996年毕业于美国露州大学商学院,同年受雇于美国IBM公司金融部,主管东南亚地区的金融市场工作,次年曾成功地预测到了东南亚金融危机。
- 1999年初回国,执教于大连海事大学经济与管理学院。多年从事跨国公司的投资、融资,股利分配的财务管理方面的研究,精通工程项目的设计、规划与成果转化,富有丰富的实际操作经验和雄厚、扎实的理论基础,曾有12亿美元工程项目的理论研究与操作的经历,2亿美元失败的经历。曾出访35个国家和地区。
- Department of business administration Ph.D / Professor
- Director of World Economic Research Institute DMU
- Tel:84728336
- Email:bl403881@hotmail.com
Research Direction
Financial Management、World Economy
Academic achievement
- 55 international thesis on international publication and domestic important publication,4 monagraphs,12 province and ministry level projects.
- Drafter of Traffic system 《Institutions and financial management accounting approach》rules of financial management. Facilitator of《2006 Competitiveness Ranking of Chinese Ports》、《China's 2006 listed companies PMB performance evaluation Rank》, and 《Man of 2006 Chinese ports》.Teach 《Financial management》,《Financial management》won 2006 Dalian Maritime University fine lesson Award.
- Executive manager of Liaoning provincial government economic reform committee, vice president of Liaoning Province market economy Institute, China Communications and Transportation Association invited experts, Xinhua special economic experts. Participated the International Port and Shipping Seminar held in Europe, U.S.A and Southeast and made subject speeches for many time.
Educational background
- Gengeral manager of Liaoning Minmental Corporation in 1987
- President of Purchase Company of American Iron and Steel Corporation in 1992
- Graduating from Business College of US University in 1996,working in Finance Department of IBM U.S.;in charge of the finance and market of Southeast and predicting the finance crisis of Southeast successfully in the same year.
- Teaching in Economy and Management College of DMU in 1999;Many years’ experience in the research of MNC investment, financing and stock benefit distribution; be proficient in the design, plan and transformation of achievement; be rich in operation experience and theoretical foundation. Experience in theory research and operation of 1.2 billion US dollars project and failed experience of 0.2 billion US dollars. Tour 35 countries and regions.